Developing a narrative

So we come to the final piece of the puzzle when it comes to 'How Qultura works' - developing a narrative. This is where you bring your Principle and Process together through awareness of Qultura methodology, Unmind, and involvement in the community and dream weaving practice.

Primary Social Internation

Energy efficiency, health and well being

We start by considering our health and well being - across all five dimensions of living existence. Primarily this means becoming energy efficient as a human being - exactly like an energy efficient light bulb. Most human beings are not anywhere close to being energy efficient, primarily through abuse of memory and abuse of natural energies.

Despite the fact that we have advances in healthcare, technology including the ability to use more fields to investigate and identify various health conditions roughly no more than 15% of people (Qultura Core estimates) die naturally. This means that roughly 85% of the population die prematurely - premature mortality estimates (preventable, non-natural deaths), through serious health conditions and comorbidity, through violent deaths (homicide and suicide), or they simply 'burn out'. Burnout deaths are apparently natural deaths between the ages of 50 and 65.

Referencing Creative Law biological energy naturally and environmentally escalates into space - evidenced through nath tural karmic processes such as aging and death. Then you have the baseline energy cycle which can be observed through vital signs - heart rate, pulse, and blood oxygen levels. This is part of what is known as life cycle energy. This energy exists in space between the physical body and the environment. You are born with a finite number of heartbeats and a finite life cycle. When both heartbeats and your life cycle completes you die naturally. Understand the way you live and through relationship you can extend or shorten your life cycle. Your natural energy frequency can be measured through blood pressure.

Many health conditions - primarily mental health conditions but also such conditions as Alzheimer's have some relationship with excessive exposure to digital technology, screens and to social media platforms. The natural energy frequency of the human brain is roughly 6-8Hz and is 'smooth' organic energy. The energy frequency of a screen is between 50-60Hz but the energy is not organic energy, harsh digital energy 'squares'. Too much direct exposure to digital screens for extended periods attacks and degrades the cognitive functioning ability of the human brain.

This is why we do not maintain online communities on social media, offering free access instead to our Community Message Board. In order to develop energy efficiency one needs to maintain sustained organic connections to environment and other people through family, friendships, social circles, support networks and local community involvement and participation.

Therefore before we get into developing a narrative it's important to be connected and present in the community.


We often think of death as the ultimate end of life event. Not true Life and death are the two intertwined aspects of existence. You cannot live without dying nor can you die without living. Physical death based on energy and karma is always determined by the variables of scale and dimension. Death is a process which can take place on any of the five dimensions of living existence.

This means that death manifests in different ways throughout our life process or Process. Take for exampl;e the later stages of conception from birth to six or seven years of age. Senses and the brain are developed. Billions of biological cells die as a baby transforms into a child, learns to walk, talk, and learn about their environment. We don't normally associate early life with death or reincarnation but death is the context for growth and child development.

Death is Nature's way of removing the unnecessary and 'spent' energy and physicality.

If we understand that naturally energy tends to shorten in wavelength and increase in frequency - in other words energy frequency tends to escalate to dissipate into space. We can see, if we look at life and death as a polarity, that life is soft, supple, pliant and 'wiggly' while death is stiff, rigid, inanimate and inflexible. We can see this polarity in plants and trees. Young plants and trees tend to be pliant, soft, flexible, and green. Old and dying plants become dry, yellow or brown, and brittle. Dead plant and animal matter becomes fossil fuels - coal, coke, and so on.

The Ego in a meta-physical context

So moving onto the next point.... Let's imagine for example you need to open a jar of jam or pickles. Usually, as you are probably aware, the lid is very tightly screwed onto the jar and requires both manual dexterity and force to start to turn the lid and unscrew it from the jar.

In order to generate enough force and physical strength to unscrew the jar lid you need to focus your conscious attention. Your focus of conscious attention is also known as your Ego. This means that whenever you need to open a jar of pickles or jam you need a manifestation of your Ego.

Therefore the Ego - what you have been conditioned to believe is the centre of your consciousness, your Self,your identity and personality is essentially the source of an internal conflict or compromise, and while it gives a superficial image of who you are, it's also the direct source of your inner sense of isolation, alienation and separateness from your environment and other people. Your Ego therefore is in many ways the 'hard edge' of your whole being, and the constant psychological mindgames for self-esteem is a major source of stress and conflict in your life.

The whole point of dream weaving

The whole point of dream weaving is to mitigate this internal stress and resolve your inner conflict through transforming your internal relationship with yourself to add depth, connect to different levels of reality and planes of consciousness, so as to develop a meta-physic and existential dimesnion to your life and being.

Most other systems similar to Qultura such as Buddhism, Taoism and the various forms of yoga advocate meditation in various forms of practice. But as language is the central human reference point for life and existence Qultura is based on dream weaving. This is because the universe and Nature is based on code, which is similar to language but more esoteric.

This might seem a lot to take in, especially if you're new to meta-physics but once you become familiar with the methodology, principles and get first hand experience through community of dream weaving it's much simpler and easier to remember, totally natural and can be powerfully effective.

Please keep in mind that your Ego is essentially a character or role play and the story you tell yourself and others over and over and over again. Therefore in practical terms there is very little difference between dream weaving and how you actually live your life. The only major difference is that instead of doing this on the basis of ignorance, assumptions about reality and beliefs, you're doing soon the basis of mystical awareness and a meta-physic.

Developing a narrative through subversion

The entire Qultura system is a meme of eastern and western mysticism woven together into a simple methodology with all doctrines and dogma stripped away. It is a system designed for dream weaving through community participation and subversion.

So what do you need for dream weaving? You need three things. First you need your Principle or Core Being (referencing Unmind), or in other words your humanity. Keep in mind that your humanity involves, or is dependent on total acceptance of all your karma and all your 'stuff' (emotional baggage, issues and ‘stuff’). Then you need a Qultura method of some sort. Finally, you need a story or narrative.

So now we come to the concept of subversion. What subversion is at its most basic and fundamental level is the outward, creative of individual truth outwards into an environment or community. The main form of subversive self-expression in Qultura is the narrative Whatever narrative you develop and share with others needs to be based entirely on individual truth.

Keep in mind that the Qultura system is 100% totally subversive. This relates back to the second basic Qultura premise.

The environment creates, the individual grows

The direct implication from this particular premise is that free will is an illusion. This simple fact, which is a very hard truth, can be described as the tragedy of Mankind. Understand that you are a human being. In terms of the animal kingdom you are a member of the human species, a primate species of extraordinary intelligence and capacity to process consciousness from the environment. You have a powerful memory, an equally powerful capacity of imagination and conceptualization. But you have zero influence over your environmental reality and in terms of life on this planet, and all the other species, you are no more significant and important than bacteria, a fly, a fish or a flower.

Therefore it also follows that you are not any more, or any less important, than any other human being alive on this planet. You are always subject to whatever is going on in your environment, both in natural and societal terms, and you have no power or influence over your environment. Acceptance of this reality and your specific individual reality relative to your individual life experience - the Felt Sense of Immediate Experience - is conditional to development of a Qultura method and involvement in our community.

The only freedom or liberty you have is relative to your environment - both environmental and social - and to learn about and discover how you fit into the grand scheme of things in the environment across all dimensions of living existence. This is not what you imagine, and this is not necessarily what you believe. It is how you relate to your environment and others is what you understand and you recognize from your own direct experience of life. Only your individual truth can reveal to you your relationship to your environment.

In order to access that individual truth you need to develop a narrative and share it with others through community. The only three things you have accessible to you in order to find and discover your individual truth is memory, language and karmic process. This individual truth is your Principle, and your individual Process is your path, process being of course memory, language and karmic process. Understand that no ideology or belief system, no organization, no method, and no philosophy will ever lead you to your truth. You've got to figure it out for yourself on your own terms.

On this note we will conclude this section. What you do with this knowledge and awareness is down to you. This is after all your life, your reality, your living existence.