How Qultura works

Qultura is a complete dream weaving system centred around a methodology and an empathy focussed community. It's something which is completely natural and easy to do once you understand what it's all about. In this section we're going to cover the practical aspects of dream weaving.

dream weaving

This section covers the practical aspects of dream weaving. The strategy of this website is to lay everything out there for you as this website is the primary resource for the whole community. Mysticism and meta-physics is a vast subject area so you might have to do some reading to get the answers you are looking for. Keep in mind that not everything may apply to you. Some things will be more relevant to your life experience and perspective, some less so. Also please keep in mind that the vast majority of stuff you find here you probably already know, but you might not be consciously aware of it. The whole point is to bring everything into your conscious awareness so that you are aware of it in a way which makes your life experience smoother and easier to understand.

Knowledge and insight has to be of some benefit to you. Your reality is the only reality that matters to you. Your life is all about your family and friends, your successes, your failures, your highs and lows, and what we understand to be the Felt Sense of Immediate Experience. The issue is that much of the reality we experience in our lives is often the kind of reality we don't understand and cannot comprehend. Then you have the fact that reality comes in two basic forms. First you have actual reality, the reality of the universe, of nature, of biology, this planet. Then you have the reality of human thinking and human imagination, what we can call conceptual or cultural reality. You experience both these types of reality.

Which brings us to the whole point of Qultura - which is all about being real and as real as you can possibly be. Qultura is not about any 'higher' consciousness, enlightenment, or following any kind of belief system or ideology. How do you know what enlightenment is if you've never experienced it? How do you even know if there is such a thing as enlightenment? In this section you're going to come across different terms, such as karma, reincarnation, but it's down to you to figure out what these things mean to you in terms of your individual perspective and experience of life. See being real ultimately means talking your talk, walking your walk, and actually living your truth as much as is humanly possible for you.

What is dream weaving all about?

Dream weaving is all about making connections and finding unity and a sense of cohesion between who you are as an individual and everything else that is not you - your environment, other people, and so on. It is literally the 'weaving together' of different experiences, memories, thoughts, emotions, observations, ideas, perceptions - the actual processes of your life and what goes through your mind - into a new kind of reality, or a principle. From this principle you should have a kind of truth, and from that truth you can create a narrative of who you really are and what your life is really all about.

"It is the greatest mistake to think that Man is always one and the same. A man is never the same for long. He is continually changing. He seldom remains the same even for half an hour.

If we look at the sum total of human consciousness from the perspective of someone like Gurdjieff, a mystic and writer who maintained that human beings are in a kind of 'hypnotic waking sleep' then when you look at human beings in general you can see that some people are awake, and some people are asleep. This explains why so many people believe so many weird things. But see you can also look at the human experience of life as some kind of unfolding dream. The whole point of Qultura is to understand that your experience of life, and your relationships with other people, are all part of this unfolding dream.

You cannot go through life with a fixed, rigid model of reality and belief system because if you do you lose touch with the unfolding reality that is going on all around you. Trying to live up to the ideals of your social conditioning and your Ego - that sense of self and image you have of yourself - is going to result in struggle and conflicts. There needs to be some flexibility and some awareness of what is really important in life - colour, taste, feeling, ambition, apprehension, anxiety, sense, emotion, these are all things which can be developed through Qultura and dream weaving. This is not about control or being in control. You cannot control a dream. Nobody is in control even if they think they are. This is about being receptive and learning to be responsive to the many changes going on around you and within yourself.

Developing a Qultura method through dream weaving, the methodology and community, is all about placing less emphasis on what you believe and placing a greater emphasis on the ability to sense and feel your way through life. This is the whole point of developing what is known as a 'meta-physic' (literally 'beyond' the physical dimensions of life and existence) and a more conscious existential dimension to your life experience. Therefore the emphasis on this section and the methodology section is on mystical principles and meta-physics. You have to determine what to do with this insight and mystical knowledge and figure out a way to create and develop these new dimensions into your existing life experience.