The human predicament

Life is a great deal more mysterious than we care to think it is. We do not understand much of the reality we experience and to assume that we do is a mistake that we make over and over again.


The universe is coming at you in a vast multi-dimensional continuum of sensation and experience. In other words everything is happening everywhere all the time. By contrast your focus of conscious attention - otherwise known as your Ego - is extremely narrow and limited by comparison. You think in linear terms. You can only think of one, two or possibly three things at the same time before you need to take notes, write stuff down or even break into a spreadsheet.

This is where you need to suspend judgment.

The human predicament

Most of us have some kind of structure or model of what we think the world is, what the universe is, and what life is all about. We all have our personal cosmology, a model of the universe and how it functions. Everything we come across in life we ask ourselves a basic question - "How does this fit in with my model of reality or belief system?" If something fits then it's fine, but if it doesn't you mentally label it as 'other' and dismiss it.

  • "That's weird."
  • "That's crazy."
  • "I'll look into it later."
  • "That's interesting. But it's not my thing."
  • "I don't believe in that."
  • "That's mystical nonsense."

The predicament is that when you keep doing that you get caught up in separateness - between self and environment and also between self and other. You become divorced from what's going on around you and reality as it's happening. You close your mind and instead of learning and evolving, you become more and more ignorant. At some point you distort your whole perspective on life and stop understanding what's really going on around you, and you can easily get caught up in conflicts through misunderstandings either with other people or within yourself.

This is because your thought processes are constantly rejecting everything which doesn't fit in with your structure, your model of reality and your belief systems.

You are not who you think you are.

This is a hard fact. This is a hard truth. If someone asks you "Who are you?" whatever you're likely to say is a half truth or even less. Forget it. You are a human being who is being whoever you think you are, but it's not who you really are.

The central human reference point for life and existence is language. The 'instruments' you have available to you to understand reality are insufficient. All you have is language, memory, intellect, culture, beliefs, ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and concepts. But this universe is not a concept. This planet is not a concept. Life is not a concept. All these things are real.

Likewise you are not a concept - you are real. You are just as real as a tree, this planet and this universe. When you think and talk about yourself in terms of concepts you are only thinking and talking about yourself in very superficial terms. You're not dealing with the reality of who you really are. You're only dealing with life on a very basic, physical level of existence with no deeper understanding of anything. If you don't understand who you really are, then how can you claim to really understand anyone or anything else?

Mystical awareness and the meta-physic

In order to get maximum benefit from your life experience and also to achieve mental and psychological fitness - because mental health is just as important as physical health - you really do need to develop mystical awareness and what is known as a meta-physic. You cannot think your way to a meta-physic, you cannot think your way towards conscious awareness or follow a religion, a method such as Buddhism or Taoism, or follow a philosophy. All physicality is based on energy, and all existence, and all information is based on consciousness. Energy and consciousness are two different things.

Through the Qultura system - commonly known as 'Qultura' - you can quickly and reliably develop a meta-physic and gain mystical awareness. What's more you can do this alongside or in addition to your existing belief system or model of reality. This is not about telling you that you are wrong or misguided because all you're doing is becoming aware of mystical principles and different levels of reality. Think of this as mind expansion. You can find out more about what Qultura is about in a brief overview in the next webpage - 'Qultura's foundation premises'